A Polish adaptation of the Material Values Scale – Measurement properties of the full and short forms


  • Małgorzata Górnik-Durose Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach




materialism, Material Values Scale (MVS)


The Material Values Scale (MVS) developed by Richins and Dawson (1992) is the most frequently used worldwide measurement of materialism. Although it has also been used in Polish research for almost a quarter of a century, the measurement properties of its Polish adaptations have not been systematically examined thus far. This article fills the gap. It contains an analysis of the measurement properties of the Polish adaptation (MVS_PL), which was based on three raw data sets. The author examined the basic 15-item MVS and three short versions consisting respectively of nine, six, and three items. The results show that all versions of MVS_PL have at least acceptable psychometric properties, but the scales with nine and six items best fit the Polish data. The analysis confirms that MVS_PL is a good, reliable, and accurate tool that could be recommended to measure materialistic orientation in the Polish environment.


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