The modular mind and the ideas of money, family and homeland: Understanding the logical implication in the context of cognitive priming


  • Łukasz Jach Uniwersytet Śląski



zadanie selekcyjne Wasona, torowanie poznawcze, moduły umysłowe, adaptacyjny kontekst zadań


This article presents the results of research that links the foundations of the evolutionary approach with an approach involving the use of cognitive priming. The aim was to identify whether priming the ideas of money, homeland, and family is related to a change in cognitive functioning that manifests itself in participants’ ways of solving the classic Wason’s selection task as well as a form of the task rooted in the social context of identifying altruists and cheaters. With regard to the evolutionary approach, a hypothetical link between the ways of solving two versions of the selection task (related to either abstract or concrete issues) by the same individuals was also tested. Data analysis was carried out on a sample of 384 participants and revealed the following: there were no differences in the frequency of producing correct answers in the classic version of Wason’s task between different groups of participants; differences were revealed in producing answers in the task that involved social context, however they weren’t replicated on the level of groups confronted with detecting solely altruists or solely cheaters; the ability to solve Wason’s selection task was slightly yet significantly related to producing correct answers in an analogous task rooted in social context.


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