Społem’s Brand Image in the Context of Associative Structure, Identity, Attractiveness and Emotions to the Brand. Nostalgia for the Company’s Brand?


  • Ewelina Mikulska SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Warszawa
  • Alicja Grochowska SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Warszawa




nostalgia, associative structure, emotions to brand, brand attractiveness


The aim of the research was to determine the associative structure of the Społem brand, and to determine the attractiveness, emotions and sympathy for the brand in two groups of consumers: those aged 18–36 years (N = 259) and above 45 years (N = 188). The theoretical assumptions are based on the network models of the mind and emotions. The results showed that participants who reached adulthood before 1989 manifest a stronger sympathy for the brand, and perceive it as more attractive than do their younger counterparts. The effects of the attributes describing the Społem brand on emotions, attractiveness and the sympathy for the brand were verified in both groups of participants. The results revealed that Społem is well known, as evidenced by the sample’s associations with the brand. Finally, there were differences in the evaluation of brand image among the age groups: The older group evaluated the brand in terms of the feelings it provoked, while the younger group assessed it in terms of the benefits it produced.


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