Influence of the structure of information about a crisis situation in a company on its reputation
reputation, crisis, causality, dispositional attribution, data pattern.Abstract
Building the reputation of companies is a long process and requires a large investment in promotional activities in the fields of advertising and public relations. A company’s involvement in a crisis can quickly destroy years of investment. In an experimental study, four factors were manipulated in order to determine how they affect the reputation of companies: (1) kind of crisis situation, (2) consensus, (3) distinctiveness, and (4) consistency. Information about the crisis situations were presented to respondents in the form of news articles. 400 college students took part in the study. The analysis showed a relationship between attributing causes of the negative event to a company and the deterioration of the company’s reputation. In the four-factor multivariate analysis of variance, the impact of the kind of crisis situation and information about the consistency of the company’s behavior over time was also statistically significant for these dimensions of reputation: perceived innovation, Machiavellianis, stability, and reliability of the company.
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