Value systems and the perception of money


  • Michał Białek Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
  • Martyna Zapadka Wydział Psychologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Zofia Przymus Instytut Studiów Społecznych im. Roberta Zajonca, Uniwersytet Warszawski



perception of money, hierarchy of values, multidimensional scaling, affinity index, morality


The goal of this study was to answer two questions, (1) what are the basic dimensions of money perception, and (2) whether people who hold different values perceive money differently. To answer these questions, multidimensional scaling was used to reduce the perception to two dominant dimensions: pragmatic (useful vs useless) and emotional (positive vs. negative). Based on the Scheler’s Stratification of Emotional Life, participants were divided into four groups that differed in the perception of money. (1) Hedonists have a negative emotional attitude and see money as useless; (2) individuals who value knowledge perceive money as useless, but have a positive attitude toward it; (3) religious people see money as useful but negative; and (4) those who prefer moral, altruistic values see money as positive and useful.


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