The trust-control dimension as a bipolar factor of organizational effectiveness
interpersonal trust, organizational control, trust vs. control, organizational effectivenessAbstract
This article proposes the psychological point of view regarding the relation between trust and control, treated as a factor of organizational effectiveness.he authors claim that full control and total lack of control, which is understood as full trust, are not separate, and therefore they are independent features of an organizational management system, but refer to a common bipolar dimension. The control-trust dimension is vital for the functioning of any organization, influencing its activities, the quality of social relations, and, indirectly, its economic effectiveness. Presenting a critical stance towards solutions that propose to overcome the crisis of trust by increased control, the authors emphasize the positive function of trust for healthy interpersonal relations. While pointing out the negative psychological effects of excessive control systems, the authors are far from rejecting the objective methods of controlling human behavior in organizations or abandoning their attempts to objectify indicators of employee performance. The authors try to show that both rigid and excessive control, which does not take into account the element of trust, and implicit trust, which does not take into account the control factor, must lead to increasing the pathology of organizational behavior. For the sake of the employees’ growth possibilities and their satisfaction with the activities performed, employees need to be sure that their supervisors will use flexible and balanced proportions in the trust-control dimension when interacting with them. Such situation-specific treatment of these two factors may provide a range of freedom that will strengthen the responsibility granted to the employees.
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