The importance of trust in e-commerce – the perspective of the new institutional economics
trust, transaction costs, customer relationship management, B2C, information and communication technologies, the InternetAbstract
The issue of trust is has become increasingly important in recent years, both in scientific discussions and social media. The decline of public confidence in financial institutions and the government has contributed to the current economic crisis and shows the importance of this resource not only in a social context, but also economically. Building relationships based on trust is an expensive process that requires effort and resources from the parties of transactions. Trust is associated not only with the creation of conditions for the execution of individual transactions, but also to support general exchange processes for their greater efficiency. Another factor in the changing approach to this problem is the rapid development of information and communication technologies, including the Internet. This increases the demand for trust in electronic capital transactions. A good place to explain the exchange processes based on the trust factor is in the mainstream institutional approach based on the theory of transaction costs, agency theory, and the theory of property rights. This article attempts to clarify certain aspects of the importance of trust in e-commerce in the context of transaction costs.
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