Behavioral economics and real estate market – theory and practice


  • Justyna Brzezicka Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Katedra Gospodarki Nieruchomościami i Rozwoju Regionalnego
  • Radosław Wiśniewski Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Katedra Gospodarki Nieruchomościami i Rozwoju Regionalnego



behavioral economics, real estate market, real estate market in the behavioral perspective


The present paper draws attention to behavioral influences on many areas of economic life, particularly the real estate market. Initially, the definitions of the real estate market are reviewed to find, name, and exemplify behavioral elements in the definitions. The issue of uncertainty and risk in the real estate market is of paramount importance since both are inextricably related to psychological aspects of decision-making processes and therefore bridge the gap between behavioral economics and real estate market. The aim of the present paper is to propose a new definition of the real estate market in the behavioral perspective and to present a behavioral model of the real estate market. The theoretical ideas are juxtaposed with practice by means of a survey of the real estate market as perceived by students of UWM in Olsztyn and WSETiNS in Kielce.


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