The Workplace Self-expansion Questionnaire in a Polish context


  • Tomasz Besta Uniwersytet Gdański
  • Paweł Jurek Uniwersytet Gdański



work psychology, social identity, job satisfaction, assessment methods


This article presents the Polish adaptation of the Workplace Self-expansion Questionnaire (Workplace SEQ), a self-reported measure for assessing the degree to which the motivation to expand the boundaries of self-concept is satisfied by the work environment. The study was conducted on two samples of employees, diverse in terms of gender, work experience, position, and the type of work (N = 647). Statistical analysis confirmed the single-factor structure of the questionnaire and the high reliability of this measure. As expec-ted, the Polish version of the Workplace SEQ correlated positively with job satisfaction, organization commitment, and work engagement, which thus verifies its construct validity. The results support this version of the Workplace SEQ as a useful tool for studying self-expan-sion among people engaged in various professions.


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