The influence of the emotion of disgust on attitudes towards a product and purchase decisions


  • Anna M. Hełka SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Wydział Zamiejscowy w Katowicach
  • Ilona Stefanowicz SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny II Wydział Psychologii


Słowa kluczowe:

disgust, consumer decision, consumer behavior, consumer attitudes


Research regarding the impact of the emotion of disgust on economic decisions is scarce. To fll this gap, we present the results of a study that measured women’s (N = 87) attitude towards a new face cream that they could buy following exposure to either a neutral or a disgust-inducing stimulus. Furthermore, we compared the infuence of disgust connected with a product (the product could neutralize the disgusting stimulus) to disgust not associated with the product. The results confrmed the signifcant infuence of disgust (but only disgust associated with the product) on the attitude towards the product. In particular, the women in the group in which we induced disgust connected with the product has a more positive attitude towards the cream than women in the control group and women in the group in which we induced disgust not associated with the product. Due to the cream’s high purchase price, none of the women decided to buy it.


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