Analysis of Means-End Structures Emerging from Abbreviated Hard Laddering Interviews


  • Adam Sagan Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Analizy Rynku i Badań Marketingowych
  • Eugeniusz Kąciak Brock University, Department of Finance, Operations and Information Systems



means-end approach, hard laddering interviews, nonsymmetrical correspondence analysis, optimisation of laddering structures


The paper presents a new method of evaluating the quality of ladders obtained with the abbreviated hard laddering procedure (Kąciak and Cullen 2006). It is based on an analysis of summary ladder matrix (SLM) and top of mind awareness indices (TMA), which allows one to consider not only the sequence in which consecutive ladders are produced by the respondent but also the salience of these ladders. The quality of ladders is further examined through non-symmetrical correspondence analysis of the SLM. This makes it possible to obtain additional information on the dominant dimensions in the means-end structure and also to determine which prominent ladders contribute most to the system's inertia.


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How to Cite

Sagan, A., & Kąciak, E. (2015). Analysis of Means-End Structures Emerging from Abbreviated Hard Laddering Interviews. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 904, 5-18.