Social and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Product Development in the Textile and Clothing Industry


  • Mateusz Kowalski Cracow University of Economics. Faculty of Commodity Science and Product Management. Department of Industrial Commodity Science
  • Renata Salerno-Kochan Cracow University of Economics. Faculty of Commodity Science and Product Management. Department of Industrial Commodity Science



textile and clothing industry, sustainable textiles, sustainable development, fast fashion, slow fashion


The article analyses the key problems facing the textile and clothing industry, including social and economic aspects of its functioning, and puts forward steps that could be taken to bring the industry closer to sustainable development. The issues discussed include outsourcing of the clothing and textiles production, salaries that can be 50% below a living wage, and fast fashion, which endangers the sustainable development approach to the production and consumption of textile products. The paper provides examples of initiatives aimed at achieving balance in areas including multilateral agreements, independent initiatives among clothing companies to improve pay conditions, respect for employee rights and ensuring safe working conditions, and also the popularisation of slow fashion movement, a response to the dominant phenomenon of consumerism.


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How to Cite

Kowalski, M., & Salerno-Kochan, R. (2019). Social and Economic Aspects of Sustainable Product Development in the Textile and Clothing Industry. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 5(977), 79-95.