An Analysis of the Role Consumer Loans Play in the Diffusion of Innovation – an Axiomatic Approach




consumer loans, the process of diffusing innovation, Debreu monetary economy, Schumpeterian innovative evolution, axiomatic analysis


The paper’s aim is to formally analyse the role consumer loans play in the process of diffusing innovation. To that end, the following tools are employed: a set-theoretical and topological apparatus borrowed from general equilibrium theory and a static model of the Debreu economy with money in the form of a multi-range relational system. Specific extensions are defined for this model with respect to innovative changes in a consumption sphere or imitative changes in the production sphere. A formal definition of the diffusion of innovation is then introduced and analysis of the role of consumer loans in this process is presented. Finally, it is shown that consumer loans may improve the process’ ultimate equilibrium.


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How to Cite

Ciałowicz, B. (2017). An Analysis of the Role Consumer Loans Play in the Diffusion of Innovation – an Axiomatic Approach. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 9(957), 5-20.