The Collective Identity of Polish Tartars in the Context of Legal Regulations


  • Katarzyna Warmińska Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Socjologii



identity, minority, ethnicity, Polish Tartars


The transformations following 1989 in Poland have had a substantial impact on the situation of the country's national and ethnic communities. The last 20 years have culminated in the stabilisation of a formal and legal framework of their activities.  According to the Act of 2005 on national and ethnic minorities and on regional languages, the Polish Tartars are a recognised ethnic minority. In my article I focus on the collective aspect of Polish Tartars' ethnic identity. The most important issue discussed is the impact of the Act and its statutory arrangements on the definitions of the ethnic „We" shared by the group's members. The meeting of the official identity discourse delineated by the legislation procedures with the matter of ethnicity, which is subtle in nature, may lead to a dilemma of identity and raise the question around those dilemmas as to "Who we are". The situation could also inspire reflection upon the identity assets a group holds, which in turn bring about an attempt to implement identity options that correspond with the needs and interests of the community.


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How to Cite

Warmińska, K. (2015). The Collective Identity of Polish Tartars in the Context of Legal Regulations. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 903, 55-65.