The Logic of Shaping Competencies – a Comparison of the Classical and Integrated Approaches


  • Tomasz P. Czapla Uniwersytet Łódzki, Katedra Zarządzania



competencies, knowledge, skills, attitudes


The introduction of the concept of learning outcomes to the education system has led more and more universities to adopt the idea of competencies and their development. The responsibility of universities for educating future professionals to participate in the economy has been considered through the prism of competence development. Such an approach to higher education often takes place in the context of a deeply rooted three--element (knowledge, skills, attitudes) competence model, which can be called the classic model. This model is often only partially implemented, and not integrated.
The paper discusses the effects of the partial application of the model as a basis for the development of competencies. It proposes the integrated approach as an alternative and antidote to the pitfalls of a fragmented approach to competence development. The study was based on the reflective practitioner method. The paper shows how an integrated competencies model simplifies the development of those competencies. Particular emphasis is placed on the discussion of properly locating knowledge in the general competence structure. Practical implications and recommendations for the use of simplifications in a competencies model in the context of higher education are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Czapla, T. P. (2016). The Logic of Shaping Competencies – a Comparison of the Classical and Integrated Approaches. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 6(954), 81-94.